Friday 20 December 2013

China military ship to help guard Syria chemical weapons destruction

The end of Syria’s chemical weapons is in sight. According to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, the most toxic chemicals will be moved to the Mediterranean for destruction. And China will be one of the select few countries helping with the transport.

"China and the US will provide backup services when Russia moves the weapons to the Syrian port Latakia. Then Chinese ships will escort Norwegian and Danish vessels in moving the weapons to a US ship for final destruction." Li Shaoxian, vice dean of China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said.

It will be the first time China will be escorting vessels in the Mediterranean, a mission that could be hindered by volatility in Syria and regional terrorism. But experts believe China will rise up to the challenge.
"Chinese naval ships have provided escort services in the Indian Ocean against Somali pirates. The Chinese navy has grown stronger over the years and accumulated experience." Li said.

Experience that will likely help China contribute to a time-strained task to destroy all of Syria’s chemical stockpile by June the 30th next year.

"Whether the June 30 deadline can be met depends much on the international efforts now. Cooperation among China, Russia, United States and other European countries is critical to honoring the UN agreement to destroy all of Syria’s chemical weapons." Li said.

A process many believe will not only see the end of an era in Syria, but the start of future international coordination in keeping the world a safer place

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